Sunday, December 01, 2002

Despite some conflict and a bit of panic, I've had a lovely weekend. Yesterday as Will and I were finishing our coffee and getting ready to go down to see Cassie, it started to rain. Heavy, loud, fierce rain, and the sun shining the whole time.

Due to the fact that Angelinos cannot drive in inclimate weather, we cancelled the trip and just spent a lazy afternoon, reading, playing on the computer, napping.

I didn't get a rainbow, though. I'd write to my congressman if I knew who he was. And if I were a California resident. I don't think I'm technically an anywhere resident. Hmm. Must fix that.

Today we were going to have lunch with Jenn's friends Ludic and Amy, but they cancelled, so Jenn came over and we had a research party. We've been looking at Deadlands books all day, with a brief hiatus to watch Big Trouble in Little China, and Will and I may have created the Best Character Ever.

Will has the coolest dreams on earth.

I also did some online Christmas shopping, which went well except that I fucked up my Amazon orders and wound up having to pay more shipping than I should have (which would have been none). Since fixing my mistake did mean buying a lower-priced item, I suppose I still came out ahead, but only if I over-rationalize and under-think the matter.

Now the weekend is over, and tomorrow Will has to go back to work. Sometimes I hate holidays, because they end.