Thursday, September 12, 2002

I had a migraine all fucking day. This excerpt from my chat with Tina (post-headache) cheered me up a little:

Tina says:
Hey! Just remembered a "homeopathic" remedy...a girl that used to get them said it would sometimes help to lay in a really hot bath with the lights off and just a candle or two...
Bettie says:
I wanted a bath today, but I tend to get lightheaded/dizzy when I have a bad headache, and I didn't think that passing out in the tub was a good idea. Now that the Boy's home I may take one.
Tina says:
Just don't make it too deep
Bettie says:
Tina says:
Drowning to cure your headache seems a bit drastic
Bettie says:
It seems awfully melodramatic. I'll save it for when I'm famous.
Tina says:
hehehehehe....just make sure that enough people know that you were actually trying to cure a headache. Drowning while trying to cure a headache is melodramatic...drowning in the tub for no apparent reason is just sad and overdone
Bettie says:
So true. And I plan to be as original a celebrity as possible.
Tina says:
well, that WOULD be an "original" way to go
Tina says:
(oh, and you wouldn't want anyone to think it was a new variation of autoerotic asphyxia)
Bettie says:
Certainly not!
Tina says:
because if you're going to die during sex, it would REALLY be sad and overdone to die alone!

I am considering abandoning the concept of this being my online journal and just quoting MSN chat.