To Do. Updated. Again.
- Package and pack up all Christmas gifts. (Leeway permitted for in-town pressies.)
- Finishing work on a few knitted gifts.
Finish editing chapter 15.Pray that meeting Will is currently in leads to Dream Job.We won't know until after the holidays (Santa always gets my requests wrong).Consider writing up page on editing services. (I was just approached for another possible job, and it would be nice to have something prepared.)Well, I considered it. And came up with the basic page. But I did not put it online because that is a big commitment and I HAVE ENOUGH GOING ON RIGHT NOW.Watch Cry Wolf DVD for review (online by tomorrow's release). Now to write the review...DONE. Said lovely things about Jon.- Search building code for specific violations committed by
assholemanagement. Call Department of Housing. - Fill out claims forms for car insurance.
- Clean entire house for in-laws' visit.
- Bake.
- Grocery shopping for Christmas meal.
- Beg Santa for a postponement as I just don't have enough time.
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