560 square feet
Today Will and I found ourselves inadvertantly looking at two entirely separate condos for sale. One was very modern (in a somewhat art deco building) and enormous and lovely. It costs just under a million dollars. So: HAHAHAHAHA! The other was more traditional, teensy and homey and wonderful. It is priced so reasonably we could have made an offer on the spot -- and we have approximately $50 in savings. But: TEENSY.
We will not be making any offers.
Since we weren't planning to buy anything today other than breakfast and some shirts for me (snap-front cowboy shirts for nursing, because we are genius), this isn't really an issue. Except...well, we are desperate to get out of this foul apartment. I would very likely kill or at least injure in order to get out of here before the frogger's arrival. So although we are looking for a rental, buying is very appealing in its permanence -- the idea of not having to do this again next year or the year after makes me cry with joy. So I must simply keep telling myself that in a one bedroom one bath 560 square foot condo, we'd have to do this again next year or the year after, and we'd have to sell.
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