Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Notice to WDers

BuffyGuide/WD site/forum downtime


This is just a warning that you're going to be seeing (starting
already) some downtime and some "roughtime". The hard drive on my server is
going bad and has to be replaced. This will mean downtime while my
hosting company does the replacement and then while I move the data over and
reconfigure everything. And since I can't do this stuff from work, and
I don't have a lot of time during weeknights, it may take a few days.
Once the site and forums are back up, things still may be a little bumpy
at first while I'm installing and configuring everything. Bear with me!

If you like, you can subscribe to the site mailing list by sending an empty email to bgupdates-subscribe @ lists.watchersdiary .com -- I will send notice to all subscribers when the site and forums are back up, or if there are any other major developments.

Those of you who have friends who visit the site or the forums, please
pass this info on to them. If you have a blog frequented by WDers,
maybe you could post this info?

Thanks for your patience,

Jamie Marie