Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Living the dream.

I got an email today from someone called Dream Job, subject line "What's your ideal home business?" In addition to being terribly impressed at the correct usage of apostrophe and "your," I was amused because I am already running my ideal home business�or at least, I am off to a good start.

  • I am doing copy editing freelance work.

  • I am writing for three online publications.

  • I have an online store for my knitted goods.

  • I get paid to read screenplays.
All that AND I get to be a mommy soon!

A few months ago, a jerk who owed me money accused me of using people so that I wouldn't have to work. This was hilarious because I'd done him numerous favors while he was unemployed and I was working full time (from home). I can't read minds, but I bet he was jealous.

Hell, I'd be jealous if I weren't me.